Promise Director
El Dorado Promise Website
El Dorado Promise Booklet
El Dorado Promise Application
The El Dorado Promise was established in January 2007 by Murphy Oil Corporation to give students in the El Dorado, Arkansas school district- regardless of their economic situation or academic merit - the opportunity to pursue a college degree, free of financial burden.
The El Dorado Promise awards every EHS graduate, who has been continuously enrolled in the El Dorado School District since at least the ninth grade, a scholarship covering tuition and mandatory fees equal to the highest in-sate, public university rate. Scholarship amounts are paid based on the length of continuous enrollment in the El Dorado School District.
The scholarship is renewable over five consecutive years if the student maintains a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and successfully completes 12 credit hours per semester. The El Dorado Promise can be used at any regionally accredited U.S. public or private college or university for students working towards an associate's or bachelor's degree.
Over 2,850 Promise Scholars have attended 153 different colleges in 35 different states. Scholars have:
Graduated from 39 out of state colleges
Graduated from almost all of the 4 year state colleges and many of the private
Are currently attending 73 different colleges