office of the superintendent

According to the K-12 Shooting Database, there have been 2051* school shooting incidents since January 1970. 

From January 1, 2070 until June 30, 2022, there have been 678 fatalities. 1920 injuries.*

In Arkansas, there were 29 incidents recorded. Of those 29, only 2 were reported as accidental.  

The website, which is managed by the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security, utilizes a collection of data, website links, and graphics from multiple sources in order to compile a list of shooting incidents that occur on a school campus or at a school-sponsored event. While not all incidents are mass shootings, the statistics are daunting. 

The El Dorado School District recognizes the severity of these statistics and the importance of providing tools that will support school staff in their efforts to keep our students safe. ESD has protocols in place and reference guides for staff that promote awareness, such as securing classroom doors during instructional time and identifying welcomed guests with official visitors’ passes from the office. Aside from these protocols, the administration felt it necessary to explore alternative avenues for safety. 

After careful evaluation of several options, Superintendent Jim Tucker presented the Concealed Weapons Detection system, a wire-free system that automatically screens people for mass casualty metal threats, to the ESD School Board as a viable option for increased safety measures for all students, staff, and stakeholders.

At a special-called board meeting on August 25, the ESD School Board voted unanimously to purchase the Concealed Weapons Detection system. Upon delivery and installation, there will be a system(s) located at each school entrance, as well as at school-sponsored events. 

If you would like to see these systems in use, you can view this general video or this demo video. You can also view the brochure here.

As we begin to implement this system throughout the district, we will share more information about building-level and extra-curricular event implementation and entrance procedures. We are confident that this is a step in the direction of keeping our students and staff safe. 

Thank you for your patience and support. 

*An email sent to ESD staff and parents/guardians listed data from an alternate website. These statistics differ from the CHDS School Shooting Safety Compendium due to the factors used to determine what makes a school shooting incident. The above statistics are the correct statistics based on the CHDS website here.